Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday October 23rd 2014

Math: Worksheets - Count and Write 0 and 5.
Permission slips for class trip is due by October 30th
Halloween dance is on October 29th. 

The students in Kindergarten need to read 20 books outside of school this year.
Please choose an age appropriate book to read with your child and submit a book report which I will collect and log.
I will notify you each time the book report is due.
Please have your child draw a picture and explain in his/her own words what their favorite part of the book is and help them write the word on the paper I will provide. 
Book Reports are due on the following dates:
November 3rd and 17th
December 1st and 15th
Please continue to study sight words every night!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday October 22, 2014


Handwriting - Trace and write capital A
Math - Trace and write the number 3

Tomorrow is gym.  Please wear appropriate gym uniform.
Halloween Dance is on October 29th
Permission slip for trip to Brooklyn College is due by October 30th

The students in Kindergarten need to read 20 books outside of school this year.

Please choose an age appropriate book to read with your child and submit a book report which I will collect and log.

I will notify you each time the book report is due.

Please have your child draw a picture and explain in his/her own words what their favorite part of the book is and help them write the word on the paper I will provide.

Book Reports are dues on the following dates:

November 3rd and 17th
December 1st and 15th

Another list will be sent out in January

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday October 21,2014


Phonics - Color and cut out the pictures on the right, then glue the pictures whose name begin with the same sound as goat under the goat and then glue the pictures whose name end with the same sound as frog under the frog.

Book Report Reminder:

Please remember that you can help your child write the words that they dictate to you, if it is too difficult for them to write on their own.
Please send in the completed Book Report on the due date not before.

The Book Reports are due on the following dates:

November 3rd and 17th
December 1st and 15th

If you have questions please feel free to send me a note in your child's folder.

Thank you.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Phonics - Color, cut and paste words that end in the letter Gg

Math - Write and complete the number pattern

Study sight words

Next Book Report is due on November 3rd.  Please do not send in book report before the due date!